Company News

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Throughout my career, I've been driven by a singular goal: to advance scientific research by making cutting-edge tools accessible to researchers worldwide. Today, I'm thrilled to share news that I believe will significantly impact our field.   In just a few days, at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago, we will be unveiling SLICE – our new affordable light sheet microscope that truly redefines what's possible...

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The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) commemorated its 75th anniversary with a Director's message on June 20th, 2024, highlighting its unwavering commitment to advancing mental health technology through its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.   Since their inception, NIMH's SBIR/STTR programs have been a catalyst for numerous small businesses, propelling them to become global leaders or attractive acquisition targets....

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I’m so glad we’re back to seeing each other in person again at SfN. I continue to marvel about how your insights, stories, and feedback directly make our products better at MBF. And, when you hear those stories in person…they provoke bigger ideas.   For example, one of our current customers said to me, “you folks are like pond larvae, you are small…but you’re always there, adapting,...

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   MBF Bioscience Announces the Acquisition of Neurophotometrics   Williston, VT - 10.26.2023 — MBF Bioscience, a leading provider of cutting-edge solutions in the field of bioscience, is pleased to announce the latest addition to its family - Neurophotometrics (NPM). This acquisition is a significant milestone in our commitment to advancing scientific research and innovation.   The acquisition of NPM combines two companies with a shared deep passion...

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The democratization of neuroscience is a movement that aims to make neuroscience research more accessible and inclusive to everyone. This movement is based on the principles of open science and aims to make neuroscience research more transparent, collaborative, and accessible to researchers around the world.   At MBF Bioscience, democratizing neuroscience has been part of our DNA since our founding 35 years ago when we launched Neurolucida....

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As we begin each new year, it seems there is a wide open canvas stretched in front of us ready to hold our evolving ideas and new creations. What we accomplish in 2023 will be based on our prior years of work, knowledge and insights. All of us at MBF Bioscience, and I suspect many of you, reflect at this time of year revisit our...

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Suffice it to say, all of us at MBF Bioscience are really looking forward to the SfN in-person meeting in San Diego in November. As the world slowly gets back to holding in-person meetings and gatherings, we’re noticing an important change. At recent events we’ve attended in Europe and the US, it seems all of us are putting even more emphasis, appreciation and importance on face-to-face...

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Greetings, Later this week, I get on a trans-Atlantic flight for the first time in over two years. I’m eager to attend an in-person conference of neuroscientists — and especially to sit face to face, as we discuss about how best to move the next wave of neuroscience forward.   As I’ve been looking forward about how great it is to be back "in real life" with all...

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We are pleased to announce that the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) has endorsed the MBF Bioscience neuromorphological file format as a standard.   The file format is used in our products for neuroscience research for important applications such as digital neuron tracing, brain mapping and stereological analyses. MBF Bioscience products, including Neurolucida, Neurolucida 360, Stereo Investigator, Vesselucida 360, and NeuroInfo use this neuromorphological file format.   This file...

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MBF Bioscience proudly continues its commitment to neuroscience advances.   A century ago, when neuroscientists were asked about the characteristic properties of a nerve cell (neuron), they answered that neurons are cells in the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by a soma (cell body), processes that receive information from other neurons (dendrites), and a process that sends information to other neurons (axon). This answer has not changed...

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