Neurophotometrics FP3002

The Next Generation Fiber Photometry System
MBF Bioscience > Neurophotometrics FP3002

Product Overview

FP3002 enables recording of bulk signals from calcium and neurotransmitter indicators in two colors, multiple animals, and multiple brain regions simultaneously. With the sensitivity to pick up the activity of a single cell and the bandwidth to record from multiple freely moving animals and/or brain regions simultaneously, the original FP3001 set the standard for multi-fiber photometry recordings. Through our collaborative work with over 100 labs worldwide, we have designed the second-generation system — the FP3002 — that includes many improvements and optimizations for user accessibility and processing power while integrating an important new feature: lasers for optogenetic stimulation.

Key Benefits

Plug and Play Fiber Photometry Solution

The FP3002 system combines 3 excitation wavelengths with an ultra-sensitive sCMOS camera sensor for simultaneous dual-color activity imaging in up to 8 regions of interest, all in freely-moving animals. Using state-of-the-art integrated lasers, the FP3002 system allows users to optogenetically stimulate while recording from the same fiber. Our compact and portable system offers a complete and comprehensive solution for fiber photometry with no assembly required.

Versatile Interface for Seamless Hardware Integration

The FP3002 system is designed for maximum versatility and efficiency, making it simple to synchronize with existing hardware in the lab. The FP3002 interface is powered by user-accessible software, making it easy to align fiber photometry recordings with various data streams including behavior hardware, cameras, and even custom-built devices.

Acquisition Rate 16-200 Hz
Absolute Sensitivity Measure 4.51 (photons needed to equal noise)
Simultaneous Recordings from multiple fibers
  • 8 branching patch cord (200 µm each)
  • 4 branching patch cord (400 µm each)
Excitation LEDs
  • 415 (isosbestic)*: 400 - 425nm ,0.1 - ≥300 µW
  • 470 (e.g. GCaMP, dLight)*: 445 - 486nm, 0.1 - ≥300 µW
  • 560 (e.g. RCaMP)*: 535 - 569nm, 0.1 - ≥130 µW
  • Step Size: 25 nW
    *min and max through 200 µm fiber
Emission Channels
  • Green Emission Channel: 494 - 531 nm
  • Red Emission Channel: 586 - 627 nm
Numerical Aperture 0.37 - 0.4
Digital Inputs 2
Digital Outputs
  • Output 0: yoked to laser function
  • Output 1: pulse synchronized to camera shutter or LED trigger
Timing Synchronization sub-millisecond synchronization with external equipment

Download FP3002 product sheet here.

Neurophotometrics FP3002: Key Features

Simultaneous Dual color recording plus built-in motion control


FP3002 is equipped with 3 LED wavelengths for near-simultaneous dual-color imaging and built-in motion control. Researchers can customize the number and duty cycle of excitation LEDs for a wide range of experiments with the click of a button, making it simple to configure settings for both short and long-term recordings.

Neurophotometrics FP3002: Key Features

Record from up to 8 regions of interest in freely-moving animals


FP3002 uses an innovative combination of bundle-branching patch cords and an ultra-sensitive sCMOS camera sensor to allow for simultaneous recordings in up to 8 regions of interest with no additional hardware required. Regions of interest can be split between subjects in any manner to accommodate a wide variety of experiments- i.e. 8 regions in a single subject, or a single region in 8 different subjects.

Neurophotometrics FP3002: Key Features

Integrated lasers for optogenetic stimulation


FP3002 is the only fiber photometry system on the market with integrated lasers for simultaneous optogenetic stimulation and recording. Researchers can choose between a 450 nm laser for blue-light activated opsins like Channel Rhodopsin, a 635 nm laser for red-shifted opsins like Chrimson, or both. 635 nm lasers are uniquely engineered to be integrated into the same light path as excitation LEDs, allowing for optogenetic stimulation and recording through the same fiber. 450 nm lasers are configured into their own light path to allow for stimulation of upstream regions while recording downstream signals with a separate patch cord.

Neurophotometrics FP3002: Key Features

Seamlessly synchronize with existing behavior hardware


FP3002 is equipped with 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs to synchronize fiber photometry data and external behavior hardware with sub-second precision. Data acquisition is controlled through source-accessible software that is optimized to process parallel data streams, making it easy to record behavior videos, track animals, and synchronize custom hardware with ease.


Who Is Using FP3002?

FP3002 is used across the globe by the most prestigious laboratories. 

Cited in Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications

FP3002’s utility is underscored by the number of references it receives in the worlds most important scientific publications. See examples below: 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Fiber photometry?

Fiber photometry is an activity imaging technique that measures changes in fluorescence as a proxy for biological events- most commonly, neuronal activity. When coupled to fluorescent biosensors like GCaMP, jRCaMP or dLight, fiber photometry allows for continuous monitoring of neural activity or neurotransmitter release with sub-second temporal precision.

Can I synchronize fiber photometry data with my existing behavior hardware?

There are a variety of options for synchronizing fiber photometry recordings with behavior hardware. The system includes 2 digital inputs and outputs that can send or receive 5v TTL pulses for ultra-precise timestamp alignment. Behavior cameras and custom Arduino-based devices can also be synchronized through data acquisition software for simple synchronization.

Can FP3002 be used to image neurotransmitter sensors like dLight?

Yes! Our ultra-sensitive sCMOS sensor is ideal for recording from novel neurotransmitter biosensors that have not been as thoroughly optimized as GCaMP variants. The maximum acquisition speed is sufficient to capture the dynamics of even the fastest biosensors, like iGluSnFR.

How large are the data files generated by FP3002?

FP3002 fiber photometry data files are much smaller than many other imaging techniques. Files for hour-long recordings are in the KB range.


Robust Professional Support

Our service sets us apart, with a team that includes Ph.D. neuroscientists, experts in microscopy, stereology, neuron reconstruction, and image processing.  We’ve also developed a host of additional support services, including:


  • Forums
    We have over 25 active forums where open discussions take place.
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  • On-Site/Training
    We’ve conducted over 750 remote software installations.
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  • Webinars
    We’ve created over 55 webinars that demonstrate our products & their uses.
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Request an Expert Demonstration

At MBF, we’ve spent decades understanding the needs of researchers and their labs — and have a suite of products and solutions that have been specifically designed for the needs of today’s most important and advanced labs. Our commitment to you is to spend time with you discussing the needs of your lab — so that we can make sure the solutions we provide for you are exactly what you’ll need. It’s part of our commitment to supporting you — before, during, and after you’ve made your decision. We look forward to talking with you!

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