Cleared Tissue and Whole Organ Imaging & Analysis

MBF Bioscience > Cleared Tissue and Whole Organ Imaging & Analysis


Recently, there have been significant advances in tissue clearing techniques that have allowed scientists to reconstruct and map neural tissues with higher optical resolution and at greater tissue depth. These technological advances have led to a number of large-scale collaborations among research scientists and institutions focusing on constructing maps of neural circuits to better understand functional connectivity and anatomical factors relating to neurological disorders and diseases. MBF Bioscience has established collaborations with scientists at Columbia University to license a new microscope technology called Light Sheet Theta Microscopy (LSTM) that produces higher resolution images of cleared tissue and can image larger tissues at higher speeds than other Light Sheet technologies available.

Fields Of Study

  • Connectomics
  • Neuropathology
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Proteomics
  • Expansion Microscopy
  • Vasculature
  • Cancer research
  • Neuroscience
  • Cell Biology

Our Solutions for Cleared Tissue and Whole Organ Imaging & Analysis

ClearScope® - The Light Sheet Theta Microscope

Having extensive knowledge of the challenges associated with cleared tissue imaging, we set out to create a complete cleared tissue imaging and analysis system capable of imaging deeper, faster, and more efficiently than the fluorescent imaging technologies currently on the market. In collaboration with Dr. Raju Tomer at Columbia University, we have created ClearScope®, a Light Sheet Theta Microscope (LSTM) with imaging capabilities far beyond commercial light sheet systems currently on the market.



Stereo Investigator® - Cleared Tissue Edition

Stereo Investigator – Cleared Tissue Edition is the gold standard in unbiased stereology for use on cleared tissue. It allows researchers to use the world’s most cited stereology software — MBF Bioscience’s Stereo Investigator — to analyze intact, cleared tissue specimens imaged with light sheet or confocal microscopes. Stereo Investigator – Cleared Tissue Edition is a software tool specifically engineered for analyzing cleared tissue image data accurately and efficiently. It includes the Image Volume Fractionator, a new, state-of the-art stereological probe developed by MBF Bioscience to count cells in large, 3D images of intact specimens.

Neurolucida® 360

Neurolucida 360 is the premier tool used by neuroscientists to quickly and accurately reconstruct intricate neuronal structures that range in scale from complex, multicellular networks of neurons to sub-cellular dendritic spines and putative synapses. Using Neurolucida 360 in combination with expansion microscopy and light sheet microscopy allows researchers to obtain comprehensive morphometric data with more accuracy than ever before.

Vesselucida® 360

Vesselucida 360 is designed to quickly segment and fully reconstruct vessels and microvasculature in 3D to obtain reliable data about the length, connections, and complexity of vessels and microvessels.


The breakthrough software’s quantitative analysis capabilities empower researchers studying cancer, diabetes, strokes, and other conditions that affect microvasculature.


NeuroInfo is a revolutionary software application that standardizes brain measurements across studies and
laboratories. Use NeuroInfo to register mouse or rat brain sections in whole slide images or 3D images from
light sheet microscopes to the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas or the Waxholm Rat Brain Space.

Want Help Understanding Which Product is Right for Your Application?

At MBF, we’ve spent decades understanding the needs of researchers and their labs — and have a suite of products and solutions that have been specifically designed for the needs of today’s most important and advanced labs. Our commitment to you is to spend time with you discussing the needs of your lab — so that we can make sure the solutions we provide for you are exactly what you’ll need. It’s part of our commitment to supporting you — before, during, and after you’ve made your decision. We look forward to talking with you!