Vesselucida®360 Version History

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Vesselucida® 360 Version 2024.1.1

Released July 2024

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Enhanced the available options for surface display of traced objects in the 3D environment, including the option to include a legend, change colors, and adjust transparency
  • New contour-type legend is available for display in the 3D window
  • Typical process width setting is now available in the Automatic tracing Display seeds setup
  • You can now exclude puncta from detection in locations with existing puncta
  • After applying image filters using the Batch Pipeline, you can now begin tracing right away
  • Added the ability to save an image crop in .tif format
  • Added support for .dcm images
  • The Image Scaling dialog box that appears when opening images now has updated, more helpful information




  • A term import and search feature was added to the tree and vessel classification dialogs to make it easier to find the anatomical structures you want

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2022.1.1 (Latest Version)

Released December 2022

New Features and Enhancements:


  • New Batch Pipeline enables easy-to-use batch processing for image filtering, and automatic detection
    and reconstruction of vessels and puncta
  • New ability to save your 3D settings automatic vessel and puncta detection/reconstruction for use in the
    Batch Pipeline
  • New Pipelines ribbon now houses features previously located in the Automatic section of the Trace
  • Improved & expanded image support
  • New automatic, smart image-optimization preference for low-signal images available
  • Improvements to puncta detections, including recognition of manually traced vessels/puncta in other
    color channels for proximity-based puncta detection.
  • The subvolume tool is now restricted by the bounds of the image
  • In the Cell detection workflow, the image source is automatically updated based on the image modality
  • Image montage can now assemble image tiles of varying x/y sizes


SPARC Users:


  • SPARC vocabulary term lists displayed as ontological trees

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2021.1.1

Released March 2021

New Features and Enhancements:


  • Images and data files load noticeably faster than in previous releases.
  • Vesselucida 360 software handles hundreds of thousands of data points simultaneously; you’ll notice that it is more responsive than previous versions.
  • Image adjustments are immediately displayed in both the 2D and 3D windows—without clicking any buttons.
  • Multiple options are available to indicate how you want Vesselucida 360 software to handle and display your images.
  • Drag and drop file opening is easier and more powerful with the new Image Opener window.
    • Open all images in supported container files such as Leica .lif and Zeiss .czi formats.
    • Choose to display in a grid, stack images, or display on top of each other without stacking.
  • Puncta detection in the 3D environment. The new tool includes the option to use powerful new machine learning technology for accurate puncta detection.
  • Color channel selection in the 3D Environment via a new Channel panel enables you to select one or more color channels to view, hide, and associate with data elements in your images.
  • You can now associate traced structures with a specific color channel—With multicolor images, select a single color channel for display in either the Channel panel (3D), or the Image Adjustment panel (2D), to assign any structures traced while the selection is active to that specific color channel.
  • New subvolume function in the 3D environment enables you to easily and systematically focus on portions of images/image stacks. This replaces the large volume reconstruction feature present in previous releases.
  • Easier software authorization: Vesselucida 360 software autofills the online Authorization Request Form with information about your computer system. Just fill in a few fields with information about you and your lab to submit the form.
  • A new image montage feature that considers image names in the 3D image-alignment process
  • More options for selecting markers, contours, or vessels with the new Freehand Selection tools.
  • An additional option in the right-click menu for selecting contours in Trace mode: Select everything of this contour type.
  • Updated Illumination Correction feature.
    A new clip tracing feature when using image slice, partial projection and subvolume allows the user to filter the tracing to display only the area of image being viewed.


SPARC Users:


  • The institution and application Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) are recorded in every xml data file
  • New tools for updating a data file or multiple data files at once with the most recent anatomic terms from the SciCrunch database are now available
  • New Quick surface tool partially automates the process of creating contours to map interior and exterior surfaces
  • New Import 3D model tool to import and visualize generic organ scaffolds right in the 3D environment

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2020.1.1

Released February 2020

New Features and Enhancements

  • New contour list tool that:
    • Enables importing of csv or txt file of regions or contour names
    • Enables ability to search for names in the list of contours
  • Added controls in the export tracing dialog for exporting images at a specific resolution
  • Added a function to replace current image stack in the Optical Fractionator Workflow
  • Added an edit option to “select everything of this contour type”
  • Added a new, fast cursor option in preferences. Selecting this option addresses potential issues with cursor delay
  • Shift click will now erase markers in the PSI
  • New montage option, ‘Order and align using image name’

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2020.1.1

Released February 2020

New Features and Enhancements:


  • Added a new method for 2D image alignment in Image Montage
  • Added ‘Select everything of this contour type’ option to the right-click menue in Trace>Select objects
  • Enhances Large Volume Reconstruction mode to adjust status warning


SPARC Users:


  • Added help access and improved the Blackfynn access window statuses, icon, and login process
  • Improved metadata inclusion operations by launching SPARC Vocabulary Services when a data file or image file is opened, rather when the software is started
  • Made SPARC Network Licensing available

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2019.1.3

Released October 2019

New Features and Enhancements:


  • Can use symbols in Subject ID field
  • Added ‘Select everything of this contour type’ option to the right-click menu

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2019.1.2

Released July 2019

New Features and Enhancements:


  • Batch converter added (DAT to XML) – to access, type “Convert” in the Quick Launch box

Vesselucida® 360 Version 2019.1.1

Released January 2019

New Features and Enhancements:


  • 3D contour drawing added
  • 3D marker placement added
  • Classify several segments simultaneously using CTRL-left-click to select the segments
  • Added button to reset all selected contours/shells back to Line mode display
  • Nodes and points now distinguishable by color
  • Automatic cell detection workflow added to speed up detection process
  • Completely redesigned Preferences panels with a handy search functionality
  • Scalebar color and placement controls; new EMF detail slider
  • Huron jpeg files, definition of Huron file extension, support for Huron TIFF images