Varicosities (branched structure)

Neurolucida 360 software only


You can generate reports about varicosity details and how varicosities are situated on neuronal processes.

The metrics are based on varicosities represented by 5-point segments.


Varicosity details

Tree: Each tree selected for the analysis is assigned a unique number starting at 1.

Branch order: Uses the centrifugal branch order. About branch orders

Maximum diameter: Diameter at the center (i.e., middle point) of the varicosity.

Length: Distance between the first point and the last point of the 5-point segment.

Thickness ratio: Diameter at the center of the varicosity multiplied by its image intensity at that location, divided by the diameter of the underlying tree (measured just outside the varicosity) multiplied by its image intensity

Distance to root: Sum of the branch segments from the center (i.e., middle point) of the varicosity to the beginning (root) of the tree the varicosity is assigned to.

Distance along branch: Sum of the branch segments from the center (i.e., middle point) of the varicosity to the closest node.

Volume: Measured by the number of voxels that make up the varicosity object multiplied by the volume of a single voxel.

The volume of a single voxel is: X resolution * Y resolution * Z resolution.

Surface area: Based on the mesh used to represent varicosities.

Base coordinate: 3D coordinate of the point where the varicosity is attached to the dendrite.

Dendrite/Apical dendrite/Axon varicosity

Tree: Each tree selected for the analysis is assigned a unique number starting at 1.

Total #: Number of varicosities on this segment.

Density: [Quantity of varicosities on the segment]/[Length of the segment]

Average varicosity diameter: Average diameter of the varicosities on the segment.