You are here: Acquiring images > Acquire Virtual Tissue > Tracing Contours > Automatic Contouring

Automatic Contouring

Trace contours on live or acquired images interactively and quickly.

Although Automatic Contouring is a powerful and intelligent command, we recommend that you examine the traced contour and refine the contour(s) manually.

Using Automatic Contouring

  1. An image is open. Place a reference point.
  2. Zoom to a level appropriate for tracing your contour.
  3. Right-click in the work area and select Automatic Contouring. Microlucida opens the Automatic Contouring panel .
  4. Optional Click Show Advanced Settings .
    1. Click Start Initialization. Initialization enables you to guide Microlucida in placing the first contour points.
    2. Place two contour points manually. Microlucida highlights the segments between the contour points in blue and suggests a path for the next contour points represented by orange circles .
    3. Click Stop Initialization.
      • If you are not satisfied with the path suggested, click Restart Initialization.
  5. In the Control area, click the Forward arrow . Microlucida starts the automatic contouring process.


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