Export data with Copy or Export

You can copy all or part of your data to the Clipboard and use it in an email, a word processor, or another program compatible with the Paste command.

Selecting data to copy

Exporting data

  1. Click Export. WormLab displays the Export Data dialog box.
  2. Select the frame data to export or click All to export all recorded frame data.
  3. Click Choose to choose another file name or location for the file.
  4. Choose any of the other options. You can choose:
    • Include column names: Includes the column and row names in the file.
    • Include report information at top of file: Includes the name of the View (e.g., Worm Data Moving Average speed) and Sequence source (e.g., 5youngworms.avi).
      If you are exporting data to import into Matlab or other software (such as GraphPad Prism), leave this box unchecked.
    • Use tab separator instead of comma: Inserts a tab instead of a comma between fields. This is useful if you are going to use the file to create a table in Microsoft Word or similar programs, which use a tab to separate cells in a table.
    • Open file in external program when finished: In addition to saving the file, this option opens the file in the default program for CSV files on your computer. If you have Microsoft Excel installed, then the operating system will normally have Excel open this file for you.
  5. Click Export. WormLab creates the file and exports the data. If the file already exists, a numeric suffix is added to the file name (e.g., Position-1.csv, Position2.csv, …).


See Track Worms Workflow: Analyze Data